Thursday, May 14, 2009

Commentary on Are Sobriety Checkpoints the Only Way?

This is a response to the commentary, Are Sobriety Checkpoints the Only Way? I was interested to know your view on this topic. At first with some of those statistics I wasn't sure which way you were going to go. This commentary is well researched, there's nothing like statistics and links to prove a point. I am in complete agreement with this commentary which with my liberal beliefs doesn't happen very often. From previous posts you may know that I am not the biggest fan of APD and I don't like APD turning Austin into a police state while violating my civil rights.

The statistic that less than 1% of drivers arrested are arrested for alcohol related reasons is troubling to me. Isn't that the purpose of the checkpoints? To find drunk drivers? With statistics like that, checkpoints seems like a huge waste of time and money.

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