Thursday, May 14, 2009

Man fatally shot by police officer

I've read the news articles, I've read the editorials, and yes I've read the comments made by the fine citizens of Austin concerning this fatal shooting of an 18 year old kid. You can read yesterday's news article in the statesman here. I think maybe more than anything the racists and ignorant comments made by citizens of Austin scare me very much.

"They are combatic with police or anything vaguely resembling white authority.Ignorant,and basicly lawless,they will riot and claim injustice even if the thug murdered on live Tv."

"Another one bites the dust! One less thug we have to worry about! "

"We need more police shootings, we need to clean the streets of these low-life gansta pieces of you-know-what."

"he was a criminal and got EXACTLY WHAT HE DESERVED!"

This is just a few examples of what I've seen. Now I know this kid has a history of some criminal acts, that has been made very well known. I in no way believe he deserved to die for his criminal past. The fact is that we don't know what happened that day. The fact is that the officers camera was not on and that is very troubling to me. It's department policy that police officers run their cameras when making a stop. Why then was this officers camera off? Wouldn't an officer want proof to back up their word? It's a very scary thought that we have trigger happy officers running around making stops, "protecting" us. He was just a kid, teenagers make bad decisions, he didn't deserve to die for it.

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