Thursday, May 14, 2009

Jenni Lee, HB 1323, and Why Words Matter

I found this pretty interesting. This post was found on the Burnt Orange Report blog, you can read it here. Jenni Lee is a reporter for Fox 7 and the Austin Chronicle printed a comment she made on her facebook page. The comment made was referring to the tv show The Amazing Race. I'm not sure if you can read her post but this is what she said, "They weren't really my fave, just the couple I disliked the least. I really didn't want that mom who raised a pansy son team to win." Jenni Lee was referring to the team of Luke and Margie Adams, just so you know, Luke Adams is deaf and gay. The purpose of the post was the point out that words are strong and especially as a member of the media Jenni Lee should know better. The writer of the blog includes himself as a "member of the media" which I don't dispute but then he goes on to call himself a journalist and that's where I have a little bit of an issue. I don't believe bloggers are journalists, an opinion is not fact. I looked at the writers bio. He is very involved in politics and knows the ins and outs of government but as far as I know according to his bio. he has never written for a news publication. This doesn't bother me though, I know this is a liberal blog and most likely I'm going to agree with him on most matters. This issue is no exception and I'm glad someone is writing about it. He goes on to suggest Jenni Lee do a report on HB 1323 by Mark Strama which is an anti-bullying and harrassment bill. The biggest impact of the blog came at the end when I clicked on the video at the bottom of the post. The video from YouTube shows the pictures of multiple children who were victims and ended their own lives to deal with the bullying and harrassment. I immediately followed the link to Equality Texas to do my part and ask my state representative to vote yes on this bill. I recieve emails from Equality Texas and found out I had already participated. I think I will post a link on my facebook to get the word out.

You can take action here by asking your state rep. to vote for the bill.

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